What we actually do at each meeting
In these interactive small group meetings, we give intuitive feedback to one another, identifying and confirming the highest and most lovable in each of us. By being seen with our highest qualities and aspirations, we can feel truly loved, seen and appreciated. This experience also encourages us to move forward with our highest self-expression.
The facilitator, Marion, carefully designs each meeting, harmonizing it with the experience level of the participants, drawing on her rich experience of developing and guiding Divine Love meetings.
During each Divine Love meeting, we experience a customized series of simple exercises, asking the participants to either share something loving about themselves or about the essence they perceive in another participant. It is a very intuitive and nurturing experience. The facilitator adapts the exercises to the development of the group as the session unfolds. The way the questions are phrased guides us to the experience of the highest, most divine in each of us.
The groups are not about teaching or discussing concepts, but rather about the direct experience of being loved and seen in our highest, most divine self-expression.
We are guided not to be in our mind understanding things, or re-telling our story, but rather in our intuition, experiencing in the here-and-now how wonderful we and the other participants are, and how much the universe loves us and supports us in our highest expression.
Here’s a demonstration of a Divine Love Group
Divine Love Groups provide a safe container for the purest form of love
The Divine Love meetings provide clear guidance and a special container where we can see and love each other in an effortless and safe way:
- No need to know the other’s history – we simply perceive the eternal beauty of their soul and the potential for even grander self-expression.
- No attachment to see the other in any certain way – we simply allow ourselves to see each other with the eyes of Divine Love.
- No expectations or needs of the other, or to be or act in any certain way – we simply enjoy and celebrate their highest self-expression.
Looking at each other’s divine eternal essence, it is not a question of personal taste or preference, if we love what we see! It simply is the deepest truth that we are all lovable and inspiring to each other on a soul level. We beautifully complement each other, being excited and enriched by getting to know our own and the others’ individual expression of Divinity.
In the light of Divine Love, it is very easy to make each other feel deeply loved and seen.
- There is no downside to sharing Divine Love. What we perceive and share cannot be anything but love because of the way the safe container is set up.
- The process ensures that everything that is perceived and shared is positive! There is no recalling old wounds or giving advice for improvement. This creates a unique support group that focuses solely on the positive.
- We easily pick up those noteworthy individual qualities that really nurture us to see and hear. Not having any ‘backstory’ we are not tempted to make small talk or compare notes but automatically go to a deep appreciation of each other’s true essence.
- And not surprisingly, loving what we perceive in others and expressing that love, is as fulfilling as receiving love and recognition for our own unique eternal beauty.
Imagine a place where you can go to experience being loved, where you don’t have to do anything, be anything, earn love or fulfill expectations – but where you have the unconditional promise to be deeply loved and appreciated for who you really are at your very core.